In The Oval Office you take the role of president of USA and as such you take the decisions. You must survive all 4 years of mandate without destroying the world.

To play you only need to choose the action to take using the two buttons at the bottom of the screen. Each action will have consequences in economy, people's health, earth health and peace status. If any of them reaches 0 you will lose. The game ends on January 2021 when the mandate ends.

This game only pretends to be fun to play and doesn't support any political views. It doesn't pretend to offend anybody despite using some of Trumps quotes.

The idea came up after brainstorming the theme, a game in one of the most important rooms in the world would be fun. I had not much available time (again), but this time I tool the oportunity to learn (a bit) about HaxeFlixel.

Developed using HaxeDevelop, Notepad++ and Paint Shop Pro.

Known issues:
-You must click on the center of the buttons otherwise your click may be lost

#16 most Humorous game in Ludum Dare 37